How to customize the home page?

When you create the website, Neartail automatically adds a home page that displays a banner and the trending products. You can customize the home page to upload a banner image, add a title and description, edit the call to action buttons to include links for multiple forms.

Step 1: Login to Neartail > list of your forms will be displayed > click on the form to open it.
Step 2: Edit page will be displayed > click Share
Step 3: In the Share page, Website tab will be displayed > click Edit website
Step 4:  Your website home page will open in a new tab > click on the Edit page button to customize the home page
Step 5: You can upload a banner image, add a title, description and click Save.

Trending products

The trending products are automatically displayed based on the products ordered by the customers using your order form. If you have less than 3 products, then your order form will be displayed directly in the home page. This is useful if you have created an event registration, booking form etc. Please note that this section cannot be customized.

When you create the website, Neartail automatically adds a home page that displays a banner and the trending products. You can customize the home page to upload a banner image, add a title and description, edit the call to action buttons to include links for multiple forms.

Call to action buttons

The banner includes a brief description with the call to action buttons to browse the products and view the order form. If you have multiple forms, you can customize these buttons to include links to each of your forms. By default, the Standard option will be selected for the Buttons. To add multiple forms, please follow the instructions below.

In the Home page, click on the Edit page button in the bottom right corner >  Home page settings will be displayed > select Forms as buttons
Select the preferred form from the list and click Add. Repeat the steps to add multiple forms.
Once you have added the forms, you can click on the 6 dots icon to rearrange the forms in the preferred order and click Save.
The call to action buttons for the multiple forms will be displayed as shown below.
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