
Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.

Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.

How to add a paragraph question?

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Paragraph question
  • Enable Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question as shown below
Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.

How to add a paragraph question with character limit?

You can limit answers to a specified number of characters or require a certain number of characters by using the Length response validation.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Paragraph question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Length
  • Select Maximum character count
  • Enter the character limit as shown below
Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.

Minimum character count

Similarly you can enforce a minimum character limit for any paragraph question.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Paragraph question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Length
  • Select Minimum character count
  • Enter the character limit as shown below
Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.

How to add a paragraph question with a word limit?

You can write a regular expression to impose a word limit on the answer. The regex can be used to enforce a max or a min word count. For example, the below regex will restrict the answer to 300 words.


  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Paragraph question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon
  • Select Response validation
  • Select Regular expression
  • Select Contains
  • Enter ^W*(w+(W+|$)){1,300}$
  • Enter a custom error message
Paragraph question allows users to write long answers with one or more paragraphs. By default, this does not have any character or word limit, but you can use the response validation option to limit responses to specified number of characters or words.
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