How to assign points for linear scale question?

Linear scale question allows users to provide a numeric response to a statement or a question. You can assign the standard points or assign weights for each answer and calculate the score.

Let's create the P4 questionnaire to measure the pain intensity. The P4 consists of 4 items that address pain intensity in the morning, afternoon, evening, and with activity over the past 2 days. Each item is scored on an 11-point numeric scale.

We will use a linear scale question that starts from 0 and ends on 10. The end points of the linear scales can be named to provide a reference for the users. 0 = No pain, 10 = Worst imaginable pain

How to assign points and calculate scores using Scorecery?

Pre-requisite: You must have installed the Scorecery add-on for Google Forms. If you haven't installed the add-on yet, you can install it from Google Workspace Marketplace using this link.

Step 1:  Open your form in Google Forms. Click on the addon icon and click Scorecery.
Step 2: Scorecery menu will be displayed. Click Configure score.
Step 3: Configure score setup wizard will be displayed. Click Next to proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Enable the option to record the score in Google Forms, show it in the confirmation message and click Next.
Step 5: Click on the link to open the edit page for assigning points.
Step 6: In the Edit page, click on the gear icon next to the linear scale question.
Step 7: Question settings page will be displayed. Click Answer. Assign points for the different answer choices and click Save.
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