How to create a new form?

There are three ways to create a new form. [1] You can create a new form by choosing either a blank form or an existing template in Google Forms. [2] You can create a new form directly from Google Drive. [3] You can create a new form using Tools > Create a form menu option in Google Sheets.

Create a Google Form

  • Go to
  • Click on + Blank form or an existing template
There are three ways to create a new form. [1] You can create a new form by choosing either a blank form or an existing template in Google Forms. [2] You can create a new form directly from Google Drive. [3] You can create a new form using Tools > Create a form menu option in Google Sheets.

Create a form from Google Drive

  • Go to
  • Right click and select Google Forms or Click on + New button and select Google Forms
There are three ways to create a new form. [1] You can create a new form by choosing either a blank form or an existing template in Google Forms. [2] You can create a new form directly from Google Drive. [3] You can create a new form using Tools > Create a form menu option in Google Sheets.

Create a form in Google Sheets

  • Go to
  • Open an existing spreadsheet or create a new spreadsheet
  • Click Tools > Create a form
There are three ways to create a new form. [1] You can create a new form by choosing either a blank form or an existing template in Google Forms. [2] You can create a new form directly from Google Drive. [3] You can create a new form using Tools > Create a form menu option in Google Sheets.
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